

When you study History, you don’t just study the past. 你获得知识和技能 这对你将来会有帮助的. We teach you how to see patterns, make connections, do research, compare sources, analyze evidence, communicate persuasively, tell a good story, and develop a richer, more nuanced understanding of the world. 加入我们 find out!

We are located on the First Floor of Dudley Moorhead Hall in DMH134

为什么选历史专业? 因为历史专业的学生会找到工作!

历史专业的学生可以做任何事情. History is the perfect preparation for careers in business, law, media, government, consulting, libraries, museums, teaching, and so 更.


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See what the requirements are for history majors and minors, and how studying history can have a positive impact on your future career.


Discover the types of programs we offer and gain insight into what a Master's Degree 对你未来的职业生涯有什么影响.


博士联系. Alberto Garcia for Undergraduate Studies or Dr. 毕业生的凯瑟琳·奥尔森 Studies.


Check out what we're offering for the Fall 2023 semester in the 2023年秋季时间表讲义[pdf]


If you need financial assistance, there are a many scholarships available for history 符合特定标准的学生.


Thinking about majoring in History or 社会科学 Teacher Preparation or both? 辅修历史怎么样? Need help choosing classes or checking on your requirements? 向我们的顾问寻求帮助!



The Waterboys - Two Irishmen and the Politics of Water in California

The Waterboys - Two Irishmen and the Politics of Water in California

Dr. 格伦Gendzel's recent interview on Irish national radio as a guest on "The History Show," talking about his recent article on Irish water engineers in California.



抛弃他们挚爱的土地: The Politics 墨西哥的布拉塞罗移民

By Dr. 阿尔贝托•加西亚. A podcast hosted by Rachel Grace Newman an Assistant Professor 她是科尔盖特大学历史系的教授. Dr. 纽曼采访了圣何塞州立大学的学生 Dr. 阿尔贝托•加西亚 about his new book 抛弃他们挚爱的土地: The Politics 墨西哥的布拉塞罗移民



公众面孔,秘密生活: A Queer History of 妇女选举权运动

By Dr. Wendy L. Rouse. A podcast hosted by Susan Liebell a Professor of Political Science at Saint Joseph's 费城大学.  Dr. Liebell interviews San José State's very own Dr. Wendy Rouse about her new book 公众面孔,秘密生活: A Queer History of the 妇女选举权运动. 




一个学者小组(包括博士). Wendy L. 劳斯)谈到了妇女参政论者是如何 a group, outwardly adhered to traditional ideas of marriage and heterosexuality to demonstrate the suffrage movement’s respectability, yet many privately engaged in 非传统的关系. The California Historical Society hosted this event 并提供了视频.




The intellectual life of Auguste Comte, a radical and controversial figure who founded the discipline of Sociology, and launched Positivism, a philosophical and political 影响广泛的运动. His life and work had been all but forgotten until 玛丽皮克林 devoted decades to understanding this man and his contributions.


奴隶制,为父之道 & 父亲的责任

父亲对. Slavery

来看看Dr. Libra Hilde discussing her book, Slavery Fatherhood, and 父亲的责任 in African American Communities Over the Long Nineteenth Century


Bill and Mike: How Two Irishmen Slaked the Thirst of California’s Great Cities

Written by博士. 格伦Gendzel. Los Angeles and San Francisco, with nearly 20 million residents in their combined metropolitan areas, are California’s two most famous cities. 然而,这两个城市都没有 anything close to an adequate water supply within hundreds of miles. 巨大的成就 of hydraulic engineering are necessary to store and transport water from California’s inland mountain rivers to big cities on the state’s semi-arid coast. 在早期 twentieth century, a pair of Irish immigrant engineers named Bill and Mike took charge of building these water systems for Los Angeles and San Francisco...


盖尔·劳克林. Collections of the Library of Congress (http://www.loc.gov /项目/ mnwp000109 /)

The Very Queer History of the Suffrage Movement

Written by博士. Wendy L. Rouse. When lawyer and suffragist 盖尔·劳克林 (1868-1952) discovered that her evening gown had no pockets in it, she refused to wear it until the pockets were sewn on. Objecting to the restrictive nature of women’s clothing was just one of the ways that suffragists sought to upend the status quo in the early twentieth century. 妇女选举权 movement allowed women to re-examine, question, and begin to systematically rebel against the many restrictions they had lived under for centuries – including oppressive 性别和性规范. There are, of course, more serious examples, besides Laughlin’s demand for pockets, of how suffragists defied the gendered conventions of their day....



On November 17, 2010 玛丽皮克林 spoke in the University Scholar Series hosted 由格里·塞尔特博士主持. 马丁·路德·金. Library. 玛丽皮克林 discussed her three-volume Pulitzer Prize nominated work entitled Auguste Comte: An 知识的传记. Comte was a French Philosopher and the father of sociology. Professor Pickering teaches courses at 菠菜网lol正规平台 in French history, German history, European 女性的历史,城市的历史.
